The Let's Play Archive

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim

by Arist

Part 39: Takatoshi Hijiyama 2

Chapter 39: Takatoshi Hijiyama 2

Consider Tsukasa Okino

(So he was just playing the part of Kiriko Douji… I don’t know what he’s up to… But if I help him, I can save our homeland from this war.

I don’t know his he’s here or not. Still, I should go around the back. Keep a low profile…

…Now, well… it’s certainly seen better days.

Consider Sentinel

(So the Sentinel’s a weapon from the future…? It’s strange to say, but… it does make sense. After all, even one of its “computers” was so far beyond what we knew.)

I walked these very halls to pick up Keitaro.

Music: Halcyon Days (Yoshimi Kudo)

The scene fades, the decayed wood healing, Hijiyama’s clothes shifting. It is 1944.

Oh, that’s Kiriko-chan. She came to us from Tokyo.

Why, Miss, you’re… you’re stunning. My name is Takatoshi Hijiyama.

Because… it was the day you came into my life.

Miura and Tamao melt away into the background. It’s just the two of them now…

You’re a funny guy…

And as quickly as it came, the spell is broken.

Kiriko-san! I mean, Okino…


Music: LONER (Azusa Chiba)

I didn’t think you’d come running after me.
I’m not about to let you get away from me.
I showed you my hideout. Why bother trying to run now? Still don’t trust me, huh?

I see… Well, fair enough. The question is… are you even going to believe me?
I’ve already learned for myself that time travel is real. At this point, nothing surprises me anymore.

Really tempting fate with that line in this game, Hijiyama.

No more secrets. What are you trying to do?

A force is already on its way here to destroy the world. And they’ve got more numbers on their side than we’ll ever have.
What are they?
I’m not really concerned with what they are. What I want to know is… why are they coming?

Let me try and break this down for you… There are other humans with modifications, like you and Miura-kun. And they’re beaming out these signals calling the destroyers here. Even though they have no idea.

See? I knew you wouldn’t believe me.
Th-That’s not what I said. I just don’t know how to imagine the scale of this. An apocalypse…?

Use Sentinel on Tsukasa Okino

Are you saying it’s them? These destroyers?
They’re a huge threat, all right.
And these people with modifications, like me—they’re calling them here? But weren’t those implants only added so we could pilot the Sentinels in the first place?
Well, I made the Sentinels, sure. But I’m not the one who modified all of you.

A whole lot of them.

Use Inner-lossiter on Tsukasa Okino

It’s like a little network of tiny machines. It has to be implanted into your body.

Everybody’s supposed to be in class right now. You’ll stick out if you’re on school grounds. We can’t have you wandering around where staff can see you. It’d definitely be a liability for me, at least… There’ll be more of a crowd when lunch period rolls around. Until then, you should hang out here.

Sleeping facedown on a school desk can’t be good for my neck… *looking around* Okino… Still no sign of him.

Consider Tsukasa Okino

(He told me to wait until noon… But I can only waste time napping for so long…)

Let’s just take a peek outside.

Maybe everyone’s still in their classes?

So I’m not supposed to go outside, but…

You can’t just let Okino tell you what to do! I can’t wait any longer.

Music: LONER (Azusa Chiba)

As Hijiyama steps into the passageway, two students can be overheard talking.

So basically…
You mean…
But then, that means the dream is…

What are you darned kids looking at!? :argh:

Ahahahahahaha, he said hanky-panky.


Clearly she has no eye for men.

Well, that was worthwhile!

Let’s just head over to the schoolyard.

It’s not like that…
It SUPER is though.
You think so…?
Even Iori knows.
Aw… By the way, you know Nenji-kun? He got a letter asking to see him after school!
What, for a sunset showdown? That’s so old school.
No, no, it was a love letter!
Oh, this stuff again? You sure love your romance gossip…
It’s not like that… (loop)


Miwako lets out a little high-pitched whine here, it’s adorable.

Did you see him? That boy was so cool…
WAS he?
Does he even go to our school, though?
Oh please…

The two then leave.

Oh shit! Detected!

Okino would probably never let me hear the end of it…

Let’s just return to the walkway. Maybe Okino’s back at the old building by now.

Said you’d be waiting here around now… Even stuffed a letter in my shoe locker, right?
(blushing and doing an incredibly fake “demure” voice) Yes…

Okay, so… what’s this about?

Music: Bleak Pressure (Kikuchi Yukinori)

This game does a weird thing where it’ll sometimes start songs from partway through instead of at the very beginning of the track depending on the needs of the scene, which makes sense I suppose. Anyway, because of that it took me way longer than it should have to figure out which track this was and it was very annoying!

Um… I like you…


Nenji, don’t make that face! You’re gonna scare her off!

Not much better, but it’ll do I suppose.



Well, this should be entertaining.

“Wait, didn’t we just kick each other’s asses like, yesterday?”


I can't believe I paid seventy dollars to watch this fight, what a rip!

Music: The Plot Thickens (Rikako Watanabe)

This is… I mean…

You can… like whoever you like. It’s none of my business…
Where’s this coming from? You think I like him just ‘cause he’s a guy?

Probably more because you just fucking confessed to him, Okino.


This works. Nenji Ogata secured. Despite complications. Now… help me get him into the old school building.

…Why else would I do it?

Even knocked out, he’s still blushing… I almost feel bad for him.

Use Destroyers on Tsukasa Okino

He’s going to destroy the world…?
He’s sending signals to the things that will.

Music: Sneaking Suspicions (Kikuchi Yukinori)

Something’s off. Nenji Ogata here’s not transmitting any kind of command signal. Looks like the D-Code signature has been changed… That’s bad. Now I’m gonna have to check everyone’s individual codes. More work I don’t need…

We save the world. Or find a way to do that, at least.

Use Sentinel on Tsukasa Okino

You said you created them to save us all.


Uh… well, that’s bad! Have fun at the final battle, everyone!

We need a bigger gamechanger than one or two Sentinels. That alone’s not gonna make a difference. You did your homework on the Pacific War. You get it, right? When you’re up against numbers like these… what can you do?

So we’re turbofucked. Radical.

Hijiyama walks away to think…

…but Okino is already done.

I can’t access it from this side. He might be the only one who can…

Where does that leave us?

So, this is clearly leading into Nenji’s story. Not even really worth dancing around that, it’s pretty obvious.

Uh, what?

I looked at Nenji Ogata. He didn’t have anything for me.

And I have to say, it’s been very thought-provoking.

Music: Ennui Vibes (Yoshimi Kudo)

This isn’t all that different from the old days in the factory lab. Just the two of us, enjoying some quality time, right?

Things are different now! Untie me, before I really get angry!

You sound like you’re mad, but these numbers don’t lie.

Being all tied up, at the mercy of your crush. You’re such a perv, Hijiyama-kun.

Well… why don’t we see what’s really in your heart?

Whoa. You really can’t stop thinking about me, huh?
Don’t be ridiculous!
I get it. You’re lying to yourself. All to protect your self-image, right? But you can hide all you want. Your physical data gives it away.
Don’t lie to me!
Fine. Why don’t we take a deeper look?

Hijiyama begins to thrash around in the chair.

*laughs nervously* You know, Okino, you’re kind of a sick fuck!

Tsukasa Okino is voiced by Veronica Taylor, best known as the OG Ash Ketchum, holy shit. Her voice makes Okino sound a lot older than you'd think but it honestly super works for me.